Click below to listen to Dr. Rashid Khalidi
Continue Reading >The History Department would like to welcome its new faculty member, Dr. G. Aron Ramirez! To read his Bio, please click below.
Continue Reading >CLA Associate Dean for Student Success and History Department's Dr. Kathleen Murphy's book has just released in October 2023! Click "Continue Reading" to learn more.
Continue Reading >Halle graduated Spring of 2023, but before she left she painted a utility box near Baker Science.
Continue Reading >History Department's Cameron D. Jones has a new book coming out in April! At the Heart of the Borderlands is the first book-length study of Africans and Afro-descendants in the frontiers of Spanish America.
Continue Reading >Ethan Gutterman, a third-year history major and ethics, public policy, science and technology minor from the San Fernando Valley, will serve as Cal Poly’s 2022 representative to the Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program.
Continue Reading >Learn how the History Department's Masters in History program can broaden your mind and kickstart your career.
Continue Reading >The faculty, students and staff of the History Department stand united in our commitment to tolerance and diversity.
Continue Reading >Rebel Imaginaries: Labor, Culture, and Politics in Depression-Era California
Continue Reading >The National History Honor Society promotes the study of history by encouraging research, good teaching and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.
Continue Reading >Black Market Business is a grassroots social history of the clandestine market for sex in colonial Tonkin
Continue Reading >The latest issue of The Forum, the History Department's student academic journal, is in the final stages of editing and production!
Continue Reading >History Professor Thanayi Jackson talks about the history of Juneteenth and what it means for the continuing fight for equality.
Continue Reading >Al-Nakib had the idea to connect her class with an American government class at AUK.
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